Jovian Mandagie "SOUND" Instafamous Ciplak Rekaan Jenamanya

Satu perbuatan salah dimana menciplak rekaan seseorang , Terbaru rekaan Jovian dikatakan diciplak oleh instafemes . Namun Jovian hanya memberikan teguran dan tidak akan mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka .

I am moved to make a lil comment here over an issue of a brand who copied our 2013 #LisaSurihaniForJovian piece. Obviously almost everything except their fits & workmanship are nothing like what Jovian makes. To be very honest, i am not that surprised because Jovian’s imitations have been in the Kenanga market since 4years ago, irresponsible parties have been religiously making copies over our hot selling items.
To us it is a shame for those who chose to wear imitation rather than the original one, but who have produced them and are taking advantage for their own profit are just unethical & cruel! My advise here, just stop bashing them, i think they have heard it enough, and it is really not the best thing to do during ramadhan. Just don’t buy them if you think you deserve the real thing.

Menurut Jovian, baju yang ditiru oleh jenama ini merupakan koleksinya pada tahun 2013 iaitu #LisaSurihaniForJovian. Tambah Jovian, tindakan meniru rekaan jenama orang lain ini sangat kejam dan tidak bermoral. Apa yang perlu anda lakukan ialah jangan beli baju tersebut. Sungguh memalukan!
Janganlah copy bulat-bulat!

My advise to fellow designers and business owners out there, there are thousands of inspirations for you to take on, and you have all the freedom to whom/any you want to refer to, but put a lil effort to improvise lah. Jangan ambik kertas tekap and copy bulat2 ?
To the brand owner, trust me I don’t mean to kill your business here, but i do hope you will get wiser in future.
So all Jovianistas, i heard you all. Thank you for reporting this to me, my action is just this. Cukup lah, I taknak sue sue naik court, rezeki i banyak lagi di luar sana insyaAllah. I know all of you will never buy anything that is not the real Jovian. Love you Jovianista ?

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