Bak kata orang, kita semua adalah pendosa. Manusia biasa memang tak akan pernah lari dari buat dosa. Segelintir manusia pula hidupnya bergelumang dengan maksiat dan dosa. Bak kata orang, confirmlah jadi ahli neraka. Tapi, harus diingat hidayah itu milik Allah.
Siapa tahu, kawan yang dulunya memang sosial tiba-tiba terus berubah dan kembali kepada ajaran Islam. Kalau dulu seksi tak ingat namun kini sudah berjubah dan bertudung labuh. Ikuti perkongsian dari seorang pengguna Twitter @liaazapli mengenai kisah rakannya itu yang kini menjadi trending di Twitter.
'Kaki Parti Sampai Pagi'
i knew a couple. sangat social, jenis berparti setiap hari punya orang. They dont give a damn about what people say. setakat kutuk kutuk or kena kecam, benda biasa. apa je orang tk cakap dkt dia. Tapi satu benda aku respect la, diorang tak pernah balas balik sebab mereka tahu mereka adalah pendosa.
"Mmg kitorang jahat pun, ahli neraka mcm diorang cakap. kan b? tapi tkpela masuk neraka pun kalau aku dgn dia. hahah" aku ingat lagi ayat ni. Aku time tu nak cakap apa? nak nasihat pun bukan baik sangat. I just smiled & looked at them silently, not sure what i was supposed to feel. Setiap malam saya lihat mereka mabuk dan sembang pasal dadah dan segala benda jahat. They stick together tho, through thick & thin, 3 tahun gak bercinta.
Sejujurnya, i kinda ship them, ofc not on how they were living la, but the way they cared for each other & how loving they are. Mereka setia. One day (after years apart) the gf texted me & told me they were getting married. how happy i was? extremely! they were good friends. I couldnt make it tho, i didnt go to the wedding sebab bapak jauhnya dia buat aku nak pergi naik apa hahaha
'Bertudung Labuh Dan Berjubah'
ok so long story short, dah kawin mende semua blablabla then tetiba dah ada anak. i didnt keep in touch with them so i was surprised lah. then she told me they were coming to KL so we decided to meet up bcs we've missed each other badly & banyak story nak kena catch up. Time jumpa tu, i saw the husband & the daughter first, tanya mana _____? "dia pergi toilet" so i was like oh ok la greet semua blablabla.
Tetibe husband dia kata "haaa tu ____, lama pergi toilet". i was excited so aku pusing blkg mmg laju ah cite dia, dah pusing tu masya Allah. my dearest friend, yang kaki clubbing aku kenal tu, she was all covered up, dari tudung labuh & jubah olive green & to her ankle even. she was perfectly covered. she smiled "ha terkejut ke?" i was speechless. she hugged me dan aku mmg ternganga lah cerita dia.
Then we went for a drink dan dia beritahu dia dan suaminya dah berubah kerana 'mereka terlalu mencintai antara satu sama lain'. she told me that they seek for Allah to ask for help, as they need someone to keep their relationship in faith & so that they lasts forever. they told me that once, their marriage was about to collapse. they were devastated until her smart husband found a way to start fixing them.
'Dah Hafal Surah Pendek'
"semua start sbb dia la, tetiba je kejut aku pepagi, bisik kat aku "sayang, i dah hafal semua surah pendek & step nak solat. jom solat b". weh time tu aku bapak terharu siak, all this time kita kejar relationship goals bodoh.. but time tu baru aku sedar mana yang lagi bahagia. husband dia tu dulu aku panggil kepala setan, skrg? a gentle guy yang tk pernah lalai didik isteri & anak. malu gak ah time tu baju singkat
ok wtv apa yang aku nak sampai kt sini, dont think yang orang yang social macam ni, they're not bad human beings. ye kitorang hina, kotor, bitch apa bodoh semua la kau nak panggil (bcs i get that alot too) but we're just humans. we're just like you. apa beza? maybe in one point in life kitorang terpesong sikit. orang tengok mcm liar, but why? just why? have you ever think why
mana ada do orang mintak nak dilahirkan jahat. tkda siapa. but life goes on, different people go through different things in life. who are we to judge? kau tktau if that individual deals with sex abuse, neglected, ignored, ditched & all different fucked up things in life. but these friend of mine, they found a great solution to ALL of their problems. Allah.. the mighty one who can do all the impossibles
'Rumah Tangga Lebih Tenang Dan Teratur'
they told me how their marriage is 100% better, they felt guided; they dont feel lost anymore. they felt peace; as even if they die now, they have nothing to worried about when they meet our Creator. they were really in love. so end of the story, we said goodbye, & this one last reminder they told me that i will never forget;
"lia, kalau kau banyak masalah, cari Dia tau. sementara aku ada ni, aku nak pesan je. nanti aku dah takda, aku dah takleh nak ingatkan. nanti siapa lagi nak ingatkan kau? kau dah ah begik. ingat tauuuu aku pesan, kita masuk syurga sama sama eh?" eh time tu aku sangat lemah. bayangkan la, member yang kaki ajak kau buat benda bukan bukan dulu, dia pulak ngajak masuk syurga. gila kau tak gegel
from that day, they were my actual relation goals. as someone who went through failure in marriage, i really appreciate the husband's effort. that is what love is; his effort to change not only himself, but her as well. he wasnt trying to teach her, he was asking her to join him.
the way he cared for her after diorang dah hijrah ni; masya Allah. "aku suka baca kisah nabi&aisyah, so aku treat la __ macamtu" he laughed.
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